Digital Marketing: Ad Banner & Animation
Click and scroll to see Ad Banner and Animation created by Jazsmin during Adobe Certified Courses.

Logos/ Business Cards
Click and scroll to see some diverse Business Cards and Logos created by Jazsmin!

Delta Week Campaign, Hampton University Promo Material
Click and scroll to see...Logos, flyer and poster designs made for the Gamma Iota Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. Charter week celebration! Inspired by ABC Network's #TGIT shows

T-shirt Designs, Menu's, Ads & Social Media Banners
Click and scroll to see a variety of branding created by Jazsmin!

The Creators' Festival: Artists Celebration 2020
Click and scroll to see...A Design Campaign of celebrating different genres of artist and creatives through graphic design. Each day a different photo-manipulation dedicated to the artist and what they create. Created by Jazsmin Bryant

Movie Posters & Magazine Covers
Click and scroll to see some awesome Movie Posters and Magazine Covers created by Jazsmin!

Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Projects
Click and scroll to see Branding for The FAA and The FAA's Safety Promotions Teams by Jazsmin Bryant.

Click and scroll to see these meaningful Art Illustrations created by Jazsmin.

Flyers, Book Covers, Posters & Booklets
Click and scroll to see flyers, posters, book covers and booklets created for Epik Creations, LLC clients, HBCUs and more by Jazsmin!

Human Cartoon Illustrations
Click and scroll to see...Your favorite Celebrities are now your favorite cartoon created from scratch by Jazsmin Bryant!!!

Motion Graphics/ Animations
Click and scroll to see these eye catching Logo Animations created by Jazsmin.

Cartoon Illustration Collection x Epik
Click and scroll to enjoy...Your favorite cartoon, just created by Jazsmin Bryant from scratch!

Album & Art Covers
Click and Scroll to see...Graphics made to market all artists, their music and poetry by Jazsmin Bryant.

Annual Reports / Business Package Content
Click and scroll to see...Mock Annual Report of a company and a business package including a ticket to the company's launch party.

Before and After Revisions
Click and Scroll to enjoy...Flyers and Business Cards re-created by Jazsmin Bryant of Epik Creations, LLC.